I. 基本准则/解决方案基础

A member resolution is a formal proposal that asks ATA to take a position and/or an action on an important subject. A member resolution may describe a problem or situation and contain an action to help correct it. 这是一项“实质性决议”.” A resolution may also be a statement or declaration intended to honor a person, 团体或实体或纪念重要人物, 实体, 或事件. This is a “non-substantive resolution,” also known as courtesy or congratulatory resolutions.


II. 决议的结构

A member resolution consists of two parts: the preamble (description of the situation, 人物或事件, 也称为“鉴于条款”)和行动或声明条款(ATA应该如何解决问题或应该采取什么行动), 也称为“已解决条款”). 整个决议应该是一个长, continuous sentence with the preamble clause(s) first and the resolved clause(s) second.

“Whereas the American Dinosaur Association represents all dinosaurs in America, be it resolved that the ADA shall promote the recognition of turtles as dinosaurs.”

“Whereas the American Dinosaur Association represents all dinosaurs in America, be it resolved that ADA hereby declares September 5 as International Dinosaur Day.”


3. 谁可以提交决议?

任何成员均可向治理与沟通委员会(GCC)提交非实质性成员决议,并在有投票权的成员年会上提交表决. 只有活跃成员或对应(有投票权)成员才能向海合会提交实质性决议,并在有投票权成员年会上提交. The GCC or 董事会 may originate resolutions on their own. 所有符合第四节决议标准的决议将由海合会和航协主席审查,然后提交董事会进行最后审查.


IV. 决议的标准和准则

All member resolutions should be composed using these guidelines:

a. 该决议必须与章程中规定的ATA的宗旨有关,并与ATA作为免税组织的地位一致.

b. The resolution must not infringe on the rights and duties of the 董事会.

c. 决议须经过法律审查,并必须遵守所有适用的法律法规,否则与ATA的章程一致, 政策和程序. Resolutions involving changes to ATA’s 规章制度 are governed by Article XV(a) of the

d. Resolutions may address governmental issues such as legislation, regulations, policy, etc. related to or affecting the translating and interpreting profession. In keeping with ATA’s tradition of non-partisanship (and tax-exempt status), 决议可能不会针对个别政客, 政府任命的人或雇员, 特定的政党或政纲, 冲突或议程. 作为例外, 可提交关于对支持ATA任务作出重要贡献的个别当选官员的非实质性决议,并按惯例标明官员所属政党, e.g.参议员玛丽·翻译 (D-CA).

e. The resolution should address only one topic or issue.

f. 决议应该是完整的, so that when adopted it becomes a clear and formal expression of the will of the Association.

g. If the resolution calls for a specific action or program, the resolution must clearly state a practicable desired or proposed timetable. Implementation of such an action or program will be guided by availability of staff, 志愿者, 财政资源.

h. If the resolution has financial or liability implications for the Association, 费用估计应包括在内.

i. 每个决议必须由上述协会的合格成员提交,并必须指明发起个人或实体.

j. 每个决议必须包括一个标题, 鉴于条款, and the Resolved clause(s) in the resolution itself. The actual resolution should be written as a stand-alone document, 最好不要超过一页纸. 额外的信息, 比如作者/赞助商, 参考资料, 现有的政策, time frame and financial impact should be provided on the Resolution Submission Form. See “How to submit a resolution” below for more details.


V. 如何提交决议

All substantive member resolutions require the signatures of 50 voting members of the Association.

将成员决议连同完整的成员决议提交表和任何支持文件一起提交给GCC. 在一般情况下, 决议应尽早提交,以便海合会审查并向成员国公布. To be placed on the agenda for the Annual Meeting of Voting Members, substantive resolutions must be received by the GCC 不迟于 120天 在有投票权的会员年会之前.

Non-substantive resolutions (not substantive resolutions) must be submitted to the GCC not less than 120天 在有投票权的会员年会之前. No resolutions may be submitted from the floor during the Annual Meeting of Voting Members.

There are two deadlines for submitting a substantive resolution:

  1. Submission with revision option – 180 days 在有投票权的会员年会之前, signatures of voting members not required until Deadline 2.
  2. Submission with no revision – 120天 在有投票权的会员年会之前, 需要投票成员的签名.

Member Resolutions submitted by Deadline 1 will be reviewed by the GCC as to format, 内容, relevance and scope as indicated in the above guidelines within 30 days, allowing members to collect signatures for formal submission. 如果决议不符合这些准则, 它将被退还给提交它的人,要求重新起草决议以符合要求,并提出协助重新起草的建议. Any redrafting must be submitted by Deadline 2 along with the necessary signatures.

在截止日期2之前提交的带有适当签名的成员决议也将由GCC审查其格式, 内容, relevance and scope as indicated in the above guidelines prior to Deadline 2. 如果决议不符合这些准则, 它将被退回给提交它的人,并且不会被允许在本届投票会员年会上审议. It may be redrafted and resubmitted for consideration at the following year’s Annual Meeting of Voting Members.

如果不符合决议, 海湾合作委员会将准备一份简短的声明,说明拟议的成员决议的最终版本如何不符合准则,并将其提供给决议的提案人. 在符合决议的情况下, 海湾合作委员会将把该决议转交给航协主席和执行主任,供其审查,如第六节所述.


VI. Review of Resolutions by the GCC and the 董事会

海湾合作委员会应负责审查ATA成员提交的成员决议,以确保决议符合这些准则. 符合准则的决议将提交给航空运输协会主席和执行董事,以供董事会进行可能的法律审查和审查. Resolutions that are not accepted will be returned according to the procedure described above in Section 3.

所有符合标准和准则并由海湾合作委员会提交的实质性决议都将由航协主席和执行主任审查. 法律顾问也可能对其进行审查,以确保其符合所有适用法律,并在其他方面符合ATA的章程和使命. 如果法律顾问确定有必要更改措辞以遵守所有适用法律并与ATA的章程和使命保持一致, the GCC will ask the mover of the resolution if they are willing to make the necessary changes. 如果决议的发起人拒绝修改, the proposed resolution will NOT proceed to a vote at the Annual Meeting of Voting Members.

All substantive resolutions forwarded by the GCC and passing legal review shall be reviewed by the 董事会. 董事会保留决定向成员提交此类决议的时间的权利. 如果董事会认为该决议的主题具有如此严重的性质,或严重偏离现有政策或程序,因此需要在成员之间进行大量讨论和辩论,情况尤其如此. 在这种情况下, 理事会可将该决议推迟提交下届有投票权的成员年会,以便有足够的时间进行辩论.

经董事会审议的成员决议将由总裁以电子形式和/或印刷出版物公布. 公告将包括决议的文本或链接,以及任何支持或反对的材料. 由其自行决定, the Board may include a recommendation for or against a resolution when presenting the resolution.


7. Consideration of a Member Resolution at the Annual Meeting of Voting Members

所有董事会批准的成员决议将包括在投票成员年会上投票的选票上. 决议不得在场内修改. 决议需要在达到法定人数的年度投票会员大会上亲自或通过代理人投票的简单多数通过. The exception to this is where the substantive member resolution concerns an amendment to the 规章制度, for which Article XV (a) shall apply requiring a two-thirds majority.

Following presentation of a substantive member resolution at the Annual Meeting of Voting Members, 会议主席将决定分配给出席会议的成员讨论决议的时间,然后再进行表决.

所通过的实质性决议将如所通过决议的措辞所示,反映在航空运输协会的政策或航空运输协会章程中. Non-substantive resolutions that are adopted will be published through ATA’s publication channels.
